Silver Pitcher and Candy Cane Roses
what you need:
- 8 large pink candy cane roses
- 8 large pink roses
- 10 pink wax flower stems with buds
- a couple of pieces of seeded eucalyptus
- a silver pitcher
- 18 gauge floral wire (6 pieces)
Steps: 5
Rated: Easy Arrangement
Get out Grandma's pitcher. You can even polish it if you want to brighten it up. The combination of the silver and the candy cane roses make a charming arrangement. These flowers are available in winter.
Looking at an arrangement is like looking at a painting. When you look at this arrangement, your eye moves from the roses up and then back around the sides and to the bottom with the seeded eucalyptus, because the seeded euc. drapes downward gracefully.
The vertical proportions in this arrangement are 1/2 to 1/2. The flowers are as tall as the pitcher. The horizontal proportions follow the Greek rule of the "Golden Mean," a ratio of 1/3 to 2/3rds. The pitcher takes up 1/3 of the width of the flowers. Okay, now that you've got Grandma's pitcher, the flowers and the wire, let's get's begin .