In a Medium Sized Bud Vase

Showy Daffodils & Chamomile

Showy Daffodils & Chamomile

What you need:

  • 2 Yellow Daffodils

  • 2 White double Daffodils “Ocean breeze”

  • small bunch of Chamomile

  • 1 bud vase [this one is 8 inches high from Floral Supply Syndicate LA (213)624-3982]

  • 1 packet of floral food (purchase here)

Tools used:

Steps: 2

Rated: Easy-Peasy Arrangement

Part of what "makes” this jewel of an arrangement is the delicate vase. This tiny bunch of flowers is showcased in an 8 inch high vase made of ribbed optical glass that has a great reflective quality. This small bouquet is made with both Yellow Daffodils, showy White Double Daffodils, and Chamomile (the little white flower).

In case you are wondering what a Double Daffodil is, Double Daffodils have layers of ruffly petals in the center instead of cups. This particular variety is called "Ocean breeze”.

This petite arrangement is really quite simple to make. Scroll down and you will see.


You will use a few stems of Chamomile.

You will use a few stems of Chamomile.

You will use a couple Yellow Daffodils and White Double Daffodils.

You will use a couple Yellow Daffodils and White Double Daffodils.

Here is the 8 inch tall mini vase (on the right).

Here is the 8 inch tall mini vase (on the right).

Carefully pull leaves off Chamomile. Don’t bend the stems!

Carefully pull leaves off Chamomile. Don’t bend the stems!

Group flowers then pull off remaining leaves below water line.

Group flowers then pull off remaining leaves below water line.

Slide bouquet into bud vase.

Slide bouquet into bud vase.

You’re done. See, easy-peasy. Enjoy!

You’re done. See, easy-peasy. Enjoy!