In a Contemporary Moon Shaped Oval Vase
What you need:
- 2 small bunches orange and gold Roses (cut 14 inches) total 14 stems
- 1 bunch white blush Spray Roses (cut 14 inches)
- 8 stems white Iceberg Roses (cut 14 inches)
- 1 potted pink and lavender hydrangea plant (4 blooms- cut as long as possible)
- 4 stems of greens (cut 15 inches)
- 1.5 inch wide orange grosgrain ribbon (cut 55 inches)
- 1 bag clear flat marbles
- 5 pieces 18 gauge floral wire cut into thirds
- moon shaped oval vase (found here)
Supplies Needed:
- gardening shears
- fabric scissors
- wire cutters or gardening scissors from the 99 cent store
Steps: 8
Cost: flowers $26
Rated: Easy Arrangement
The Iceberg Roses in this arrangement are from my garden and the rest of the roses and hydrangea plant are from Trader Joe's. The Iceberg Roses give the arrangement a lacy feel, but sometimes bugs eat parts of the leaves. To hide the holes in the leaves the bugs made, I added white blush Spray Roses. The flowers in this arrangement are available in most locations. You need to wire the larger roses. See:
The vase gives the arrangement a modern look. You can buy a vase like this (click here). If you have your flowers and supplies you are ready to begin.