Bear Grass and Succulents too
Modern Arrangement with Tulips
What you need:
- 2 bunches - 20 stems of white Tulips (cut about 14 inches)
- 1 bunch of Bear Grass or Flexi Grass (You won't get paper cuts from Flexi Grass.)
- 4 flat Succulents about 3.5 inches Diam.
- 4 bags 32 oz. natural color small stones (Dollar Tree - 99 cents a bag)or aquarium gravel
- a 6 inch floral pick (if you use Bear Grass. It is not needed if you use Flexi-Grass: as it's longer.)
- 1 rectangular glass vase (found here)
Tools needed:
- pruning shears
- chop stick
Steps: 8
Flower Cost: $22.91 (excluding succulents. A friend gave me mine.)
Rated: Easy Intermediate
This is a modern, asymmetrical arrangement with white tulips, Bear Grass, and succulents that uses shape, texture and color to achieve balance. The tall Bear Grass arches repeat - one high and one low - to balance the flowers and mirror the succulents' roundness. While the main focal point, the tulips, sweep gently to the right, the adjacent succulents repeat a circular shape in the middle of the left portion of the arrangement and serve as a secondary focal point. Finally, the various curvatures are offset by horizontal lines formed by the the vase's top edge and base, and at the mid point by the more subtle water line.
The arrangement has a neutral pallet of greens, whites, and beige. This arrangement looks super simple, but requires care executing.
You can buy a vase like this (click here) If you have your vase, tulips, grass, and succulents, let's begin.