With Roses, Putamayo Carnations, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus & garden cuttings

Garden Arrangement

Garden Arrangement

What you need:

  • 6 Orange Roses (cut 8.5-10 inches)

  • 9 Putumayo Beige Fancy Carnations (9-10")

  • 1 Double Delight Rose (cut 8 inches)

  • 2 Light Pink Garden Roses (cut 11 inches)

  • 3 stems Pear Silver Acacia Foliage (14 inches)

  • 3 Astrantia Rosea Dark Pink (11-15 inches)

  • 3 branches Boxwood (cut 14 inches)

  • 2 stems Butterfly Bush (cut 11-12 inches)

  • 3 stems Amethyst Sea Holly (9.5 inches)

  • 3 Silver Dollar Eucalyptus (cut 16 inches)

  • 3 stems Dusty Miller (cut 7.5 inches)

  • 3 Privet Berry with berries (cut 10.5 inches)

  • 3 Privet Berry branches without berries (9 in.)

  • 1/2 wet pack floral foam

  • 4 floral wires 18 gauge cut into thirds

  • 1 pedestal sea green vase Here's a similar one: (Ceramic Urn).

Supplies Needed:

  • Pruning shears

  • wire cutter

  • produce knife

  • floral stripper

  • Green Glow plant polish

Steps: 8

Flower Cost:  $37.00

Rated: Intermediate

Want to learn how to make a garden arrangement?  Well it's easy.  Just follow the instructions with photos below.  You can vary the type of eucalyptus and other greens that you work with, and you can use any berry that is in season.  The color pallet in this arrangement has muted colors, except for the pop of color with the Double Delight anchor garden rose in the bottom center of the arrangement.  

Putumayo Beige Fancy Carnations are really hot right now, pared with soft green foliage as shown. Carnations are an extremely old flower and they are long lasting.  These fancy ones are very lacy.  You can add many garden cuttings like the Dusty Miller, Boxwood, Privet Berry, pink garden roses, and Butterfly Bush that are shown in this arrangement.  Just work in groups of 3.  The same for the greenery when you are starting the arrangement, use 3 stems of each.  You are after a loose natural arrangement, but you will want to wire the roses before you use them.  (You don't want their heads to hang down.)  For instructions on wiring roses and stripping off excess leaves from flower stems see: http://www.floristinyou.com/prep

You can buy an urn similar to the one shown (click here).  Once you have you urn, flowers and supplies, you are ready.  Shall we begin?


Use a produce knife to shape your floral foam to fit into the urn.

Use a produce knife to shape your floral foam to fit into the urn.

Here's the bottom.

Here's the bottom.

Fill with water until foam does't accept any more.

Fill with water until foam does't accept any more.

Like so.

Like so.

Wash the leaves of any greens from the garden.

Wash the leaves of any greens from the garden.

Dry with a paper towel.

Dry with a paper towel.

Here are your supplies

Here are your supplies

Spray hard green leaves (Privet Berry leaves) with Green Glow.

Spray hard green leaves (Privet Berry leaves) with Green Glow.

Select Eucalyptus that will hang down. Insert on opposite side where it will hang down.

Select Eucalyptus that will hang down. Insert on opposite side where it will hang down.

Insert Privet Berry one on each side, 1 in back. This will be your FRONT. Insert eucalyptus.

Insert Privet Berry one on each side, 1 in back. This will be your FRONT. Insert eucalyptus.

Insert 3 Boxwood.

Insert 3 Boxwood.

Insert 3 Pear Silver Acacia Foliage. Add 3 Privet Berry stems without leaves.

Insert 3 Pear Silver Acacia Foliage. Add 3 Privet Berry stems without leaves.

Insert 3 Carnations.

Insert 3 Carnations.

Add 3 orange Roses and 3 Dusty Miller.

Add 3 orange Roses and 3 Dusty Miller.

Add 3 Sea Holly,3 Astrantia Rosea, 3 Butterfly Bush, 3 pink roses with largest as anchor.

Add 3 Sea Holly,3 Astrantia Rosea, 3 Butterfly Bush, 3 pink roses with largest as anchor.

Here's a close up.

Here's a close up.

Then fill in with Carnations. The Double Delight Rose is amazing.

Then fill in with Carnations. The Double Delight Rose is amazing.

Your garden arrangement is complete. Enjoy!

Your garden arrangement is complete. Enjoy!