Plus Flower Arranging Tutorial
Another Flower that Lasts 3 Weeks
What you need:
1 bunch White Alstroemeria
1 bunch Pink Alstroemeria
2 handfuls of small white rocks
rectangular vase (rounded edges) 8 inches H, Opening 7 inches x 1.75 inches deep (purchase here)
28 inches Coral 1.5 inch wide wired French Ribbon (purchase here)
1 packet of floral food (purchase here)
Tools used:
small garden shears (purchase here) or regular garden shears (purchase here)
about 1/2 inch of Scotch tape made into a roll.
floral stripper (purchase here)
fabric scissors
Steps: 7
Rated: Easy Arrangement
The Alstroemeria, a relative to the Charmelia, is another flower with a long vase life. It can last as long as 3 weeks if you change the water out several times and follow the tips below. Floral Tip: To change the water out for this arrangement without having the rocks move around too much, slip the ribbon off. Put the vase in the sink and slowly add fresh water letting it over flow a few minutes until all of the water has been replaced. Tip the vase just enough to pour a little out. Then add a packet of floral food, which feeds the flowers and helps keep them fresh. Dry the vase and underneath the vase, then slip the ribbon back on. Ta da!
Floral Tip: Make sure to keep your Alstroemeria away from bananas and other fruit, as most fruit off-gas ethylene. Even so, bananas off-gas much more ethylene. Other fruit that off-gas ethylene are: apricots, avocados, blueberries, figs, grapes, cantaloupes, honeydew, kiwis, mangoes, nectarines, papayas, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums, tomatoes. Alstroemeria is particularly sensitive to ethylene and it cuts its vase life short. You want to keep Alstroemeria out of direct sunlight, and heat or air conditioning in your home.
You can purchase Alstroemeria in most grocery stores that have flower departments and you can even grow it in your own flower garden. The most popular hybrids of Alstroemeria sold today are available all year round. They are a cross between the Chilean grown which bloom in winter and the Brazilian which bloom in the summer. If you would like to read more about Alstroemeria here are two great links:
Once you have your Alstroemeria and you supplies let’s begin.